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Eat Your Way to a Healthier Brain

eat-your-way-to-a-healthier-brain by using organic produce


Also known as the brain berry, blueberries are a must-eat for protecting our minds. Don’t let their size fool you, blueberries are believed to have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fruits and vegetables. Added bonus? They have the ability to boost memory. Add a cup in your next morning shake, or throw them in a salad for a fruity, enriching addition.


Avocados are more than just a delicious food-trend. Did you know while you were editing that stylish Instagram of your avocado toast, the nutrients were benefiting you far beyond your news feed? Avocados contain mono unsaturated fat that contribute to a healthy blood flow, and can even lower blood pressure.

Organic avocado cut in half, healthy fats

Coconut Oil 

It seems to be a staple for all uses of life, so just buy it by the bucket load. Coconut oil provides an alternative source of energy for the brain, giving it an extra boost. Looking for a sweet coconut snack? Mix 1 banana, 2 tbsp of coconut oil, and ½ cup of peanut butter. Put mixture in cupcake tins, and freeze for delicious sweet-tooth-stopping peanut butter cups.

Nuts and Seeds

Whether we’re looking for a hide-away desk snack, or something to satisfy those late-night food cravings, nuts and seeds should be your go to. Rich in Vitamin E, these fun-sized snacks are believed to lessen cognitive decline as we age. Try almonds, walnuts, cashews, flax seed and so many more. Munch your way to a brain-active future.

organic nuts and seeds for healthy fats



What acts as a natural lip stain and has the power to boost your immune system? Beets. With nutrients believed to help fight cancer, support brain health, and strengthen your immune system, we simply can’t forget about this one. Enjoy some greens, chopped walnuts, goat cheese, and don’t forget your beets!

Dark Chocolate 

Our favorite of the bunch, dark chocolate. There’s a reason it’s a Valentine’s Day go-to, or a ‘solve everything’ comfort food. With natural stimulants like caffeine, dark chocolate triggers endorphin production to help improve our mood. Just be careful not to get carried away with this one.

organic, heart healthy dark chocolate