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Are Barre Classes the New Pilates?

Graceful ballerina in a bright studio tying ballet slippers

To Barre or not to Barre (pronounced “bar”)...?

That is the question we’ve been contemplating for over a month now. Pure Barre classes are all the rage right now, and many of our friends praise them for their potency. We all enjoy exercising and have tried every group fitness fad out there...from Zumba to Orangetheory and everything in between. Regardless of intensity, any form of exercise seems much more appealing when in the privacy of our own homes in some sweats and a sports bra. However every drip of sweat running down your cheek should serve as a reminder of how vital exercise is, not only for staying in shape, but also because it works miracles for our skin.

Three ballerinas stretching on the barre

A busy schedule is the number one excuse for skipping a workout. However, as we dug deeper into the science of Barre classes, we found that it only takes about three classes a week — for one month — to see visible improvement. This was a major incentive for us, and really anyone with a busy schedule. With this in mind, we were sold us on our first Barre class.

Whether it’s Pure Barre, Ballet Barre, or even Core Barre, these classes are structured so that anyone — at any level — can reap the rewards of the small, targeted movements. Many women who don’t have access to Barre classes pursue pilates which offers a mix of yoga and barre exercises, thus also promoting mindfulness and core strength.

Beautiful, delicate hands drape don ballet barre

The class itself was a liberating experience. By some magical phenomenon, it’s challenging enough for even the most avid Barre goers, yet gentle enough for newbies (such as, yours truly). The encouragement and support of the instructor made us WANT to do that extra rep, and the kindness of the other women made it (surprisingly) fun.

Even today (three days after the first class) we’re still feeling the tight, small movements of muscles we didn’t even know we had. It’s no wonder it only takes three classes a week to notice changes taking place... We’re noticing them in just one! However, this shouldn’t really be a surprise because just one Barre class can burn up to 500 calories while targeting many women's biggest problem areas, such as the tush and tummy.

The effectiveness of Barre class is based on the unique method of doing very small, yet controlled movements on the floor and with the ballet bar until the muscle fatigues and another rep feels physically impossible. We especially love how this workout doesn’t require any daunting gym equipment, and paired with a solid playlist, we can see this becoming a new habit of ours.

Ballerina sitting on wooden floor in ballet slippers

After completing this energetic, hour-long intensive, all evidence of it was wiped away with one of our Daily Facial Cleansing Cloths, which gave our skin a light, dewy glow for the rest of the day. So ladies, why not skip the bar and go to Barre instead. We can guarantee you’ll feel much better in the morning!